Today, I went from shop to shop along Main Street, Ventura, and handed out bright-red lettered fliers with the words Peace and Riot on the front, with pictures of Jake Busey and Ben Savage squeezed between the words.
I politely pushed these fliers into the hands of shop owners and said, “My friend is making a movie, it’s his first movie ever. Long time writer, first time director and we need Extras on Monday, November 8th, 11AM for this bar scene. Could you help out?”
I gave a flier to Mallory at Beehive Hair Salon (a tattooed red head whose served up a pretty stiff cocktail while I got my hair did), the cute girls at Blenders in the Grass, a young employee sifting through bags of clothes at Buffalo Exchange, chicks making chocolate at Truffle Hounds, a gal cutting hair at a salon next to Sportsman’s bar, and many others. I expected to get elevator eyes (that look people give you when you don’t belong–like the look Pretty Woman got when she went shopping on Rodeo Drive), but I was happy to get bright smiles.
You see, my friend Damion has been a struggling writer for 10 years and this is his dream. They call films like these passion projects (films on a tight budget) which is as simple as the name implies: movies made for the passion of film rather than for the passion of $$.
And I’m a writer too–as much as I may have fooled you into believing I’m only this thirty-something hunting for Dongs and Love. Yo no solo un “man hunter” yo tambien una que believes en passion!
I love writing + I love seeing dreams come true = door to door fliers
Most of the movie is shot on location up in Malibu Lakes. A few scenes are filmed in Ojai, and the bar scene is filmed at a popular Downtown Ventura night spot.
I’m hoping there will be a slew of different Ventura locals on set that day because I want to make friends… and maybe I’m still on a man hunt. I figure it’s a great way to meet all sorts of different locals from around downtown.
Therefore, I propose that If you haven’t got anything to do, you should join us!
Published by permission. Visit Mari's blog at
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