Friday, November 5, 2010

Debbie Does Music: Mikey Wax Interview

I’m excited about tonight! I’ve finished my interview with Mikey Wax, listened to his albums more than a few times and get to see him at Genghis Cohen in Hollywood this very evening! If you are in the LA area, you can too! He goes on at 8pm, and I’ll be the blonde snapping pics of him!

Before you come out to listen, check out my interview this week with the lad from Long Island…

DDM: I love your sound! I heard your album For Better or Worse last week, and really liked it! How long have you been singing/songwriting?
MW: Thanks! I’ve been writing songs forever- basically since I started playing piano around age 8. It was always a natural thing for me. I used to come home from school and play piano for hours. At first I only wrote instrumental songs, but I eventually built up the courage to begin singing when I was 18.

DDM: Is it all you thought it would be? I mean, I know it’s a lot of hard work, and a lot of time, and not always a lot of profit…(sort of like what I do too…)

MW: It’s a lot of hard work, but since I love it, it’s more like an exciting challenge. The key is to keep writing better songs, touring consistently and networking…and keeping expenses low!

DDM: What part of the job do you like best?
MW: Writing, performing, recording. I like it all!

DDM: Touring. Tough? Exciting?

MW: Touring is extremely freeing. I love it… Being on the open road. I feel like I’m serving my purpose when I’m playing music for people every night. Plus the high after playing a great live show is unbeatable.

DDM: The album For Better or Worse is about relationships. Are there personal experiences that go along with any of the songs you are willing to share?

MW: It’s probably safer not to :) Sometimes the songs are ideas and emotions taken from real life experiences, and sometimes there are certain lines that just sing well and relate to people even though they may not have been personal experiences.

DDM: Your latest album The Traveler is also great, reminds me of John Mayer, in a good way. You’ve heard that before, though.
MW: Thanks! The Traveler album was a fun, simple process, and I think it captured some of my best songwriting on songs like “Birmingham” and “Goodbye Too Soon”

DDM: You did something really cool, and brave, and offered the EP for free through your website. Seems it was a good idea. Do you see it that way? Months later? (ps. Because I’m a mom who doesn’t have much time to herself, I didn’t get mine for free! But still love it)

MW: I’ll give you a free copy at the show :) Yes, I’m very happy with how it helped spread the word. Part of the deal was that people who downloaded the album had to join my e-mail list or follow along on twitter. As a result, my e-mail list grew to over 10,000 fans, and twitter to 9,000 fans, plus it created more buzz about my previous albums too.
DDM: Do you have a favorite cover song? Why?
MW: My favorite songs to cover would be songs that I have no justice covering because I could only ruin them haha. I enjoyed doing my cover of “La Vie En Rose”

DDM: What’s next?

MW: I’m currently recording 3 songs in LA with producer Warren Huart (the Fray, Augustana). I have plans to eventually release a new album in 2011, and continue touring and expanding my fan base.

What more can you ask for on a Friday night? Good music, cute singer, nice guy, and a girl with her camera, ready to capture it all.

You can become a fan too! Visit Mikey’s official site at You can also become his fan on facebook (like me!) or follow him on twitter @mikeywax

Wanna hear him now? Click to listen to his song 02 In Case I Go Again it’s beautiful.

Printed by permission. Visit Debbie's blog @

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